Get your FREE Protect Your IRA Book written by Dave Zumpano CPA, ESQ and Brian G. Isaacson, Attorney and CPA.

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Educational Workshops



Are you or loved one in CRISIS? Attend our Medicaid Workshop and we will help you learn about coverage and eligibility.

Thinking of planning but not sure? Attend our Estate Planning Workshop and we will help you understand what it takes to protect you and your assets

Financial Advisor

Join Washington Elder Law for an online workshop to learn more about the Secure Act.

Our Services

Most people do not realize that everyone over the age of 18 years already has an estate plan even if you…

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Your IRA is probably one of your most valuable assets. Maximizing its tax-free growth and minimizing…

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Our Medicaid Pre-Planning approach is not a mechanism to give away all of your assets to ensure…

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We help founders, corporate executives, and others who receive stock-based compensation derive…

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We use sophisticated methods of tax reduction and asset protection to help our clients preserve…

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Elder Law encompasses a number of practice areas, including Medicaid planning, long-term care and crisis planning…

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Welcome To Washington Elder Law

Our professional legal team strives to provide the very best Estate, Medicaid, and Tax Planning every day, dedicated to your peace of mind.

Elder Couple Discussing Home Economics

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protect your ira book

Free Book

Protect Your IRA Book

Protecting Everyone You Love and Everything You Own Through Thoughtful Planning

We invite you to explore and learn the four elements of stable financial planning. Protecting your future includes plans for Medicaid, IRA, taxes, and stock options. We offer extensive services on these plans to enhance your financial development.


Founding attorney, Brian G. Isaacson, CPA, welcomes your call for a consultation to discuss your monetary goals. Financial confidence is yours as we secure intentions for your estate, family protection, and leaving a lasting legacy.


“Protecting Your Legacy… Planning for the Future”